Kids Jiu-Jitsu

Kids Jiu-Jitsu (7 – 12 Age Group)

Kids Jiu-Jitsu is our martial arts program for children 7 years until 12 years old. At this age it is our aim to harness their enthusiastic minds and boundless energy using the wisdom and benefits of Budo to guide them in achieving their potential.

This program combines the arts of Aikido, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to provide a holistic approach to kids martial arts. It incorporates the benefits of traditional budo, and a self-defence curriculum derived from modern martial arts. Within the program children learn the foundational movements associated with each art giving them a grounding should they choose to pursue a specific martial discipline further into their primary aged years.

Kids Jiu-Jitsu students also learn general co-ordination and motor skills through calisthenics, gymnastics, and ukemi (break-falling). We emphasise teaching martial arts at this age in a fun environment whereby within the games and fun drills they play there are always underlying martial art techniques.

Importantly, we understand the benefits of introducing young children to martial arts extends beyond the mats. Our classes are taught through the structure and traditional approach of Japanese martial arts culture and training heritage, which is conducive to learning in a focused, respectful, and disciplined way.

Please see our Timetable for the most up-to-date class times.

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